Meet Your Mentor



Birthday: 7.23.91
Born: Maryland
Raised: Atlanta
Formerly: Los Angeles
Currently: Brooklyn

B.A. Philosophy
University of Southern California

M.A. Creative Business Leadership
Savannah College of Art & Design

Certificate in
Positive Psychology & Well-Being:
The Psychological, Biological & Social Aspects of Happiness

Stanford University

Live Your Truth

Live Your Truth •


A set of principles underlying
all Beyond Healing programs
that can also be applied to the way we move through our daily lives

  • A willingness to move through each experience with an open spirit & fully engage with each new piece of data that causes us to pivot our perspective, without letting resistance or fear preclude our progress. Embracing our own human revolution.

  • Letting go of what we think we know as our environment presents new information to work with. Accepting our lives & those we encounter in it as our greatest teachers.

  • Allowing things to be light & fluid. Opening ourselves up so that our desires can find us. Letting what we want come our way with minimal effort & full intention.

  • Granting ourselves the compassion, understanding & support we need as we uncover hidden aspects of our journey & integrate lasting change.

  • Ceaselessly seeking to grow + move beyond where we are. Living with fervent focus & deep determination to experience, learn & accomplish all we could ever be.


Astrology is the most pivotal tool in transforming how we view ourselves,
others & this wild journey we call life

From a young age I was drawn to all things esoteric - some of my fondest childhood memories were spent with my mom inside her favorite New-Age bookstore. As I evolved, my curiosity grew towards the myriad of ways humans create meaning & relate to one another. From studying ancient spiritual philosophies such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Christianity, Paganism, Native American practices, and more, I’ve endlessly sought to immerse myself in knowledge systems that illuminate more about our lived experience

Through intensive studies over the last decade, I’ve created a deep & transformative relationship with the spiritual science of astrology. Being one of the oldest forms of contemplation here on Earth, one simply cannot disregard the power that cosmic energies enact in our universe. While science is continuously illuminating new truths, we can never be concretely fixed in our understanding. All is subject to change & reevaluation. We can, however, bare eternal witness to the interconnectedness of all things while standing in awe of the universe’s power to support life’s ultimate evolution

I would be sincerely honored to dive into your chart so that you can come to better understand who you are, what your specific pain points are, & create strategies
to help guide you on your journey with greater awareness, ease & acceptance